Shouldn't the Bass be felt? Duh

I am always a little surprised and disappointed when I hear a system that is missing the proper level of bass. What is wrong with these people? Why is a good bass so often overlooked? I grew up in the 60's and went to many good concerts,,, Hendrix twice, Creedence,Airplane etc.
The bass was always strong, and powerful and it didnt screw up your ears. The best past was the physical feeling of that low growl vibrating the rib cage...ahhhhh.
I am in the process of re-establishing my 2 channel system and that is really one of the goals...lots of strong, clean tight bass. To me it really makes the difference in having a satisfying realistic musical experience. I still wonder why a lot of people don't seem to get that?
Everyone has their own niche of good sound. Sure, you have your bass freaks, your resolution freaks, your musical freaks, your detail (high's) freaks, your soundstage freaks, your imaging freaks, your midrange freaks, your speed freaks......well you get the idea. Step right up and get your freak on!

If your butt bouncing makes you happy, well turn it up!
Personally, I'm with the midrange freaks. I like good bass, but I prefer quality over quantity when it comes to bass. Bass definition means more to me than absolute bass power. It has to be tight and well defined, no bass bloat for me, thank you. However, to me the midrange is where the magic happens, this is the goosebump territory for me.
I'm with Jmcgrogan2 above ^^ (midrange junkie)

I hear and feel exactly what Blueskies describes when I visit my friends at a very Hi-End auto shop, where they do custom installs including JL sealed subs (not the boom-boom stuff either)

I've watched these guys lay-out a Rolls Royce, exotic sports, muscle cars, you name it.

I visit them quite often and audition many of their big $$$$ installs, very impressive sound.

The kind of excitement you get at a good amusement park riding the wild rides while the classic jams are crankin.
I don't think you're talking about feeling air move from what I have read from some of the posts. You are into being pounded by SPL nadir Hz bass that most of us audiophools, while loving it every once in awhile, would not trade the beauty of the mids for. Ass kicking bass? sure enough. But what you're looking for? I go to concerts for that.
I am not foolish enough to think I can duplicate the concert but my point is let's not forget the bass. I want the good mids AND the bass.
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