Most Effective Tweaks

Self explaintory thread. Im looking to experiment with my system and see if I can truly alter the sound of my music with some simple cheap tweaks. If we could all list as many sucessful tweaks as we can to help develop how our systems are put together. Everything to ball bearing isolation to "amber beads" please share your experience and let us know which tweaks you found the most effective or the most dramatic change.

Open you CD-player, and remove all the plastic from the caps. After that you can also grease linoil on the caps. It give a naked, detailed sound with a big room. Very effective! You can also do it on the preamp or poweramp, with good results.
turntable = wall mounted shelf
room = areca palms in corners
overall = experiment with speaker placement and seating &
clean ac power (it powers everything)
Vibrapods for CD players (I have two CD players) and PS Audio Power Ports to replace your cheap in wall electrical outlets. Be sure to purchase the correct Vibrapod model for your source components. It goes by weight of the unit. Both tweaks have made a significant difference in the sound coming out of my systm (Marantz, NAD, Rotel, B&W).
Hi, my name is Andera... and I'm a Tweaker.It all started when I was in the process of doing a huge system upgrade. I was going to have a guy build  the classic tower system stand. A good friend informed me that it wasn't the best choice... as the tall stand in the middle of the sound stage interferes with the sound. So I did some listening... then pulled my current wood tower stand and put my gear on a coffee table. Yup... it sure made a difference!After my new system was all set up... same friend came over and introduced the idea of side reflections. OMG what a difference when eliminating the side reflections. Oh... by the way... my custom made stands are sand filled... with spiked feet. After all that... I've been upgrading cords and cable to great effect.Since all that is taken care of... I have started on fuses (Synergistic Blue) in my YBA 2 cdp. I then tried cd mats.I also have a line conditioner and a Furutech wall plug, and RCA caps over unused connections.I just makes sense to me to make my current equipment perform as good as it possibly can. NEXT stop... Graphene... and more fuses. Orange is the new blue : )