Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?

Let's see: we've had the pebbles, the little clock, the turntable platform that includes only some old springs...and now the Contact Paper CD tweek. Do any of us believe in this? I know Geoff's an advertiser, and actually a very nice guy, but come on, fellow audiophiles...this is all the epitome of snake oil! No?
Every idea was tried, and has failed, numerous times. Despite being a nice guy, all he's selling is audio nonsense.
Audiofool when are you going to be driving the Wc65Mustang again? We miss that narly old ride around here. I suppose he has the same exact system as you. You could both be negative again from the same computer and the same home. Tom
Ironically, there is a patent for a root-channel, but I meant root-canal. Sorry!
A root-channel is the same single imposter Audiofool and Wc65Mustang..Its all in the Audiogon posts. Take a look back in history its the same paid advertiser. Tom

I purchased the Brilliant Pebbles through Auctions.
Weather these items are technical marvels or just common ordinary items,I really dont know. But, they do help improve the soundstage!

ozzy: from you system pics, i gather that you are Detroit Lions fan. guess that would explain your willingness to vastly overpay for something that you acknowledge to be a "common ordinary item."