Anybody familiar with Mundorf silver&oil caps

I am planning to use 3.9uF Mundorf silver oils as output coupling caps in my phono stage. ( The stock coupling caps consists of a paired 4.7uF and 3.3uf polypropylenes )

I have a couple of 0.022uF TFTF V-Caps lying around. Would there be any benefit in bypassing the 3.9uF Mundorf with the smaller V-Caps or am I just wasting my time?

Generally I do not like bypassing coupling caps, but the 3.9uF is somewhat big and I am concerned that it is going to be a little slow.

I know I can always try and see what it sounds like, but the V-Caps are unused, so if there would be zero benefit I’d rather leave them in unused state for the possibility of selling or swapping them out later on.

Comments/thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.

To anyone doubting what I say go to the link below Tony is one of the most experienced guys out there on Capacitors and he helped me get started several years ago in the effects of changing caps and resistors please see.
Paul, I can not comment on that particular cap, since I have not used it, but with double and triple bypasses in general one can really change the sonic quality of the piece. I would experiment a bit before setting on a specific value.

As long as you have the case open to do the cap work, why not add a few Vishay s104s or VSRs in the cart loading stage, and in the shunt resistor slots on the phono pre output stage?
Both will make the stage quieter, and improve the resolution.


Hi folks

The thread is a little old and I do not own that phono stage anymore.

I ended up using Dynamicaps and bypassed them with 0.022uF V-Cap TFTFs. To my ear the bypassing did improve sound and did not smear the representation in any way. If anything, things were more detailed and more focused, but seemed to have a gentler nature. Dynamicaps can sometimes be a little zippy.

Thanks for the responses.

To all out there on Bypassing caps these Vishay 1837
bypass caps are very clean and the tolerences are better than your main caps 1% or better .I use the .1uf for all the larger caps over 1.5uf anything smaller than that it would change the cutoff some on the capacitor. "Test of the 1837 capacitor"
For signal coupling caps, I find the silver-gold oil to be harmonically more complete than the silver oil. They are both a little bright, compared to a copper wire, and some other caps, but sound superior to almost all audiophile signal caps.
I would try the V-cap bypass on a larger oil filled, but not on another dry type film cap.