Best place to source obsolete parts?

I'm working on repairing a tuner that uses a LM1865N and a LM4500AN. I suspect either or both might be bad. I can't find anyone who sells these. Anyone have any leads on good obsolete parts places? Thanks.
What about Digi-Key?

Curious what tuner it is. If it is a vintage tuner like a Pioneer, Kenwood, Yamaha, etc. you might be able to ask for help over on Or, what about buying a parts unit from Ebay?

Good luck.
I've bought some other parts from Newark (digkey didn't have what I needed).

I've got a few more feelers out to see if someone will sell me a few pieces.

The tuner is the B&K TS-108
You also try the Tuner discussion group over at Yahoo.

This Yahoo group is moderated by the same guys that run The Tuner Information Center.

Good Luck...