IIRC, the Chris Isaak album is recorded in HDCD. You might want to consider getting an HDCD-capable CD player, that will really open your eyes.
Upgrading your digital source could be a nice way to go if your budget is limited. But I'd go with Denon way before Oppo. All the Denon mid-level and better DVD players support HDCD. In addition, they will let you enjoy the newer DVD-Audio and SACD discs. Well-done DVD-Audio and SACD *kill* regular CDs in every way. I am quite satisfied with my Denon 3910 and was also quite happy with the Denon DVD 2910 that it replaced. These are available here for $250-$500.
The 3910 is an especially good value - very well-built (and heavy), excellent "feel" on the controls, *tons* of setup options, superb video capabilities, and it can play every shiny disc out there except for the newest high-def formats. In addition, this unit is the darling of the "mod" industry, so you can have it hot-rodded to out-perform even the best current CD players.
Oh yeah, these units also support multi-channel sound. Well-done multi-channel is *superb*, so much better than 2 channel that it ain't even close. This is, of course, IMHO...
Beyond upgrading your source, if your budget allows, you might want to consider upgrading your speakers. The Vandys you have are *excellent* speakers for the money, but they are no match for something like the Gallo Ref 3s. There is a pair of Ref 3s on Audiogon for $1599 right now - if you can afford 'em you ought to jump on those.
Finally, room treatment should be strongly considered. Bob Reynolds is absolutely right, speakers and the room make the biggest difference - nothing else is even close except for the cartridge in your turntable. But the speakers and room will work for EVERY source, not just vinyl.