A friend of mine convinced me to purchase two PS audio Power Ports. Received them and installed them and almost immediately I notice my HDTV picture had greater clarity and it cleaned up the video noise. The Picture is awesome and the graphics didn't have those little jagged edges.
In the meantime, my music jumped out at me, with greater transparent detail, depth, and tighter bass. But I also noticed that the highs were a tad bit harsh especially on piano.
Just finished running a dedicated line with two circuits with an isolated ground. I understand that this will make my system sound and look even better.I would like to hear suggestions for AC outlets that will be an improvement over the PS audio Power Port, i.e. getting rid of the harshness. I know this will be very subjective, but I would like to hear what you guys have to say. I have gotten some great advice in times past.

BTW my equipment: Meridian 568MM.2, Meridian 518, B&W 801's series 80 with bybees, B&w cc80's sides and rears, B&w HTM2 Center channel, Velodyne Sub 12", Denon 2910 DVD, Earthquake Cinenova 5 channel with dakiom stabilizers, B&k 2 channel amp, Mitsubishi Diamond series 73" 1080p HDTV, slim Device Squeezebox, Monster Power HTS 5000.
Everything is looking good and sounding good but as you know good is the adversary of better. Waiting to hear
I agree about both Furutech and Lee. In fact, recently replaced the Power Ports on a PS Audio P300 with the Furutechs (not a drop-in, but not too difficult) and really like the results. Dave
I have personally had great success with Albert Porter's cryo'ed Porter Ports. They are available at a reasonable price, and you will find regular ads for them here on AudiogoN.

I do not have any personal experience in comparing the Porter Ports with the PS Audio Power Ports you are currently using.
Cincy_bob's post reminded me that, as an experiment, a friend of mine installed a pricy Wattgate 381 and a Porter Port in the same double receptacle and neither of us could tell much if any difference.
I just installed the Hubbel (sp) and it was a great improovement, more inner detail, air, blah blah blah......I think they go for around $10.00
Gentlemen, I have completed my dedicated line and isolated ground install and out of the gate it is awesome.
So far your response and reading other threads, the porter ports are a less expensive upgrade over the ps audio power ports. The Oyaide seems to be the best upgrade, but it is 2 to 3 times the price of the ps audio power port.
I am still listening. I have not made up my mind yet.
the response from TBooe really gave me something to consider.