dvd vs. sacd

can someone tell me the difference between sacd and dvd please
DVD is video SACD is audio and can be played back in a CD player at regular CD resolution if it is a hybrid disc. SACD can be played back in an SACD player at high resolution and in most cases surround sound.
DVDA is audio and possibly some video and surround. It can be played in an ordinary DVD player at regular DVD resolution or a DVD audio player at higher resolution.
For SACD, you only need a stereo, either 2 channel or 5. DVD audio you really need a video monitor just to play dvd's. Technology is different, as well as sound. For a party, DVD/A is great but, for pure listening, SACD is amazing. Imagine if they took out all video from a dvd and spent that space/time and energy on audio only. That's really the quality difference.
thanks for the help
so if i get this correct they are the same but dvd has video added to it