Dedicated power and outlets

I'm having a room addition built and will house my audio gear there. I was thinking of dedicating a circuit to just my equipment which consists of amp, pre amp, cd player, and laptop I use to play lossless digital files- my main source.

Will also set-up a home theater separately, but not really concerned about it cause I don't watch many movies or TV other than sports.

Mainly want to insure optimum sound quality at a reasonable price.

What should I use in terms of outlet(s), cabling from circuit box(which is about 3 feet away from where I will hook-up) or whatever else would seem appropriate? I'm not looking for super high end, just something that would make sense since the situation presents itself to "do it right".

Thanks for any input.
Use a PS outlets - about $60( these are really good. I am not a big fan of tweaks but this one works.)
The thickest yellow jacket ( the one with the 'bee' on the box - sorry forgot the name - it is in extensions section ) cable in Home Depot. Check city codes first.
I would also run at least 2-3 separate lines.
It is much easier to do it now (and cheaper) plus you can plug your digital to one and analog to the other. Video also on separate circuit.
Just my 2 cents.
Cheers and good luck with your new room.
Use 2 dedicated lines (30 amp) for each system - 1 for amps & 1 for digital.
Wouldn't hurt to do the same for your H/T setup.
You can also bridge each dedicated line with 2 or more outlets depending on the power of the amps.
Thanks Mariusz and Paladin. It looks like multi-lines is the way to go and I'll check out the PS Outlets. Wouldn't think Home Depot would have something more than average quality but I'll look next time I'm in. There's also a MarVac electronic supply store nearby. I'll see what they may have, too.

Thanks again.
