Dedicated power and outlets

I'm having a room addition built and will house my audio gear there. I was thinking of dedicating a circuit to just my equipment which consists of amp, pre amp, cd player, and laptop I use to play lossless digital files- my main source.

Will also set-up a home theater separately, but not really concerned about it cause I don't watch many movies or TV other than sports.

Mainly want to insure optimum sound quality at a reasonable price.

What should I use in terms of outlet(s), cabling from circuit box(which is about 3 feet away from where I will hook-up) or whatever else would seem appropriate? I'm not looking for super high end, just something that would make sense since the situation presents itself to "do it right".

Thanks for any input.
Rushtone, I know you want to give a good advice and I do agree with you in 99% but PLEASE BE VERY CAREFULL with Walker Audio SST on anything to do with power and tubes. I know a guy that almost burn his house down (first amps then carpet.....and almost a tradagey. Use it strictly on cables. If you want to use it on power plugs / outlets / tubes or sockets make sure you get it in writing from Walker.
Thanks, Mrjstark. I agree one should be very careful and follow the directions in applicaton: less is always the correct amount to apply, more is not better. I have for years used SST on every connection in my system, including tube pins and power cord connections, and my electrician has applied it in making the electrical service panel connections. Lloyd Walker uses SST the same way in his system, as do many of my audio friends. Nevertheless, this is clearly a "Use at your own risk" application and good of you to raise caution when going beyond interconnects and speaker cables.
Rushton, I hope You understand my reaction.
In the wrong hands it can do more harm then good.
I am not saying it is bad, I am just concerned about safety.
For someone unfamiliar with this product might be better to leave it along. At least for now.
Mrjstark, I certainly do understand and appreciate your reaction. A good caution. For the careful and prudent user, it presents an opportunity to make material improvements in the sound of one's system. Just be careful.
Overhang, have you seen one up close and personal.
I doubt it. Have you heard one and its effect - also doubt it. So let me ask you this. Is this your personal experience or just something you read somewhere.
PS outlets were the most recommended budget component/accessory of the year for a few years straight - and yes it was in Stereophile mag.
My reply might be a little strong but when considering your pointless and baseless disapproval I think it is more then adequate.
I speak from my experience how about you?????