balanced power

Hi, could anyone explain to me in short what balanced power means? This is a term that is applied to isolation transformers. I'm using isolation transformers too (I live btw in The Netherlands) but I'm not using ground. Is that what "balanced" means: using a ground? What are the benefits and drawback of balanced power? Thank you in advance.

Just an FYI... Blue Circle will custom make a balanced Music Ring to step-up or step-down voltages with the required plugs, etc.

I assume others companies will also ??? If you are a PS Audio fan, you could check with Paul McGowan.
Just noticed you're in Europe. Euro 220V is not balanced and 50Hz. Same principle to transform to 110+/110- (to ground) but I'm not sure what is availble over there. Balanced power does not have a neutral but a ground is still suggested. I also recommend a GFCI but not essential.
I'm sorry guys, despite your clear explanation I still don't understand how the concept of balanced power can be put into practice: is it always necessary to use a step down trannie with dual cores? So for balanced power a neutral conductor is not necessary? I don't understand it. This is apparently to difficult for me. I thought in the US mains voltage is 120V, so what does 240V to do with US mains voltage?
It has everything to do with AC power. The voltage does not matter.

I cannot speak for your country, but in the USA the two poles on the AC electric plug will be either 120V or Zero. Balanced power as I stated before is 60 & 60 180 degrees out of phase; or to put it another way +60 and -60 volts, the difference between the poles is the same 120V which feeds your gear. The noise is canceled out because the 2 poles are exactly 180 degrees out of phase with each other.

So the power in your wall (if it is unbalanced) is 240V and Zero between the 2 poles. Balanced would in essence be +120 and -120 between the 2 poles. Still 240 Volts.

A step-up or step-down balanced devise is just regenerating balanced power at whatever the output voltage is.