How many hours weekly do you listen to your system

It seemed that back in the 60's and 70's more time was spent listening to music.Today with video games, cable TV ,computers and forums like this one less time is set aside for listening.
Our equipment costs much more then it did back then and hopefully it sounds better.Why then dont we listen more.
Goldeneraguy ... I like your response ... it reminds me a bit of my own situation and how I work it
Typically 1.5 hours a weeknight. And up to three hours on Saturday and Sunday. So about 10 to 15 hours a week. This will increase a little if I ever retire...
I usually critically listen to at least 1 cd per night Mon-Thursday. On Sat-Sun I will listen for around 2 hours per day so I guess the total is 8-10 hours per week. However, my system or some other system in the house is pretty much always on streaming background music from my digital music library.