Finite Elemente Cerabase vs Symposium Rollerblocks

Just wondering if anyone compared these two devices. I am considering using them under my transport. Other ones I am looking at are Equarack Equabearing and Aurios. Thanks in advance.
jfrech, what a coincidence. I lived in the Dallas area as well, Coppell to be exact.

eds60, I would very much be interested in seeing your system.
SYMPOSIUM works better than anything else in my system.I have Rollerblock HDSE with #2.5 balls under my amp and Battery power supply for my TW ACUSTIC AC1 turntable.Using Rollerblock Series 2 under both my AUDIENCE line conditioners 6TS they improve bass ,highs, air, bass speed and staging its imazing.Also using ULTRA STEALTH amp stands under my amp and AUDIENCE units and svelte under preamp,tuntable power supply and preamp power supply.Everthing has improved my sound.Oh yes using SYMPOSIUM ULTRA STEALTH under my TW ACUSTIC AC1 turntable.
I have the Finite Elemente Cerabase Classic, and wondered if anyone in this thread knows the answer to my question -

These footers have a small hole near the base, with a screw poking out. What is the purpose of this screw and what should I do with it? I can just pull the screw out so it doesn't seem to be screwed in.
I believe that hole is if you want to insert the screw footers so you can connect to component.  I have symposium super plus platforms under my speakers and three sets of cera pucs - one set under each amp and another under my phono stage. I do believe still points may be a little better than cera pucs (I have 4 sets of still points) but have not done an AB on the same component.