Why Can't Tubes Be Mass-Produced Cheaply?

I often read that old tubes manufactured from the 60's or earlier are collectible items and often much sought after, and new tubes are not as valuable. Reasons cited are that these older tubes are a rare species, and they often sound 'better' and hence the hefty price tag on them. I am puzzled as to how these older tubes are different from the new ones and why they are better-sounding. Why can't technology today produce tubes that are similiar in quality to those in the yesteryears, or even better them? After all vacuum tubes, electron tubes or valve tube(where they call it in Britain) are electronic components made up by plates and filament. What happens if these old tubes become extinct? Why are there still so many of these old tubes available for sale although it has been almost 4 decades since they were manufactured? I mean once these tubes have run out of life they will basically be disposed off.

Pardon my ignorance as I cannot seem to find any discussion on this matter elsewhere. Any opinions would be much appreciated.
A couple of the original answers were spot on.

Not enough demand.
I'd love to see a 'modern' tube production facility. Some of the machines and tooling currently in use is probably 40 years old, or older.

Bet that a facility of totally modern design and totally automated could cut costs by a bunch, crank out great quality and make 100 years worth of tubes in about 4 months.
So are companies like ARC, Conrad-Johnson, and others doomed for extinction as production eventually shuts down and existing stocks are depleted? Is the market for tube equipment because of lack of tubes going to disappear?

No, but the designs of old are being replaced by new technology that is not so dependant on old popular tube designs.

The Aesthetix Io used 4 12AX7 in the first gain stage and the new Audio Research uses a transistor. Other companies use a transformer or both transformer and solid state together. Audio Research went with four 6H30 dual triodes in place of 6922 or 12AX7. Older model Audio Research phono stages and line stages used 6922 but ARC abandoned them because of quality control problems from modern tube suppliers.

I'm surprised Aesthetix has not developed a new input circuit for the Io, it's a world class piece and among the best ever made but last I heard there were maybe one or two tubes in 100 that made the cut after sorting and testing for that first position.

NOS Telefunkens (back when they were available) were frequently good enough out of the box to do the job. Today even the "select" NOS Telefunkens have been picked over, tried and returned to the box until finding a truly NOS perfect pair or quad for phono is a massive undertaking.

The last time or two I needed them for my Io (before I sold it) Andy at Vintage Tube took months to get perfect stocks and he is among the best in the business at finding them.

I think there will be changes in circuit design to accommodate what's available. Those that don't change will find it increasingly difficult to tube up properly when needed.

All that being said, the old designs are magic, the new tubes like the 6H30 were designed for use by Russian Military and although they may test great and have fewer problems than new 6922 from Russia, they are far more electronic and solid state sounding.

Some newcomers are going with transformer coupled circuits combined with NOS Euro communication tubes like Siemens and Mullard to get reliability, low noise and great sound.

There are lots of ways to get there. Tubes are here to stay, at least for as long as most of us will be around.
Boy, what a relief, Albert! I believe tubes are here to stay as well...what's the aphorism - "Many roads lead to Rome."
