Balanced vs. unbalanced

The way I understand it, in most devices except phone cartridge output, the signal is in a combined state (unseparated) and to get it to balanced, it has to go through another set of circuitry to separate the signals into balanced componenets for the XLR output. Whereas the RCA output does not go through the additional circuitry. And at the other end (e.g., my Krell) it has to go through the reverse process to recombine the signal.

In other words keeping the signal on the unblanced RCA path results in a circuit path with fewer components. Thoughts?

regards, David
Davemitchell...Please explain how a differential amp input stage having frequency response appropriate for audio signals can reject signals at RF frequency.
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Bob...Exactly my point. Although some op amps may be usable at RF frequency, the ones used for audio applications, especially when wired up in an audio circuit probably max out at 250 KHz or so.

Balanced interfaces do a great job on 60 and 120 Hz hum.
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