Power factor correction

Hi, almost every respected audio amplifier manufacturer and manufacturers of power conditioners are talking about power factor correction. Could anyone please elucidate what power factor correction is? How important is PFC? Does PFC also prolong the life expectancy of a power amp? Doesn't common AC from the wall outlets without PFC no longer sounding good for high end audio nowadays?

An easily grasped treatise on the subject: (http://www.tpub.com/neets/book2/4k.htm)
Will a power amplifier with a power factor of 1 sound better than the same power amplifier with a power factor of 0.89? If this is not the case, so why bother?

None of the "power conditioners" that I'm aware of are actually correcting power factor. They eliminate the hash/noise/RFI/EMI from the incoming AC, protect from spikes and some stabilize the voltage. Someone out there has probably looked at correcting power factor for an audio app., but- I couldn't tell you who. Every system would be different with regards to it's reactance.