Has anyone used the Klangmodul breakers?

Has anyone got any experience with the Germany made Klangmodul audiophile breakers?
Hello Elberoth, thanks for responding!

Do those breakers require a special sub panel, buss bar? Do you know if the breakers meet code in the states (UL approved?). I don't know where you are but I'm in CA.

I responded to your post over at the AA. The breaker panel in the states must be modded to fit these. They take up two places compared the normal German size.
Hello Audio, thanks again for your responses. I just responded to your Asylum post.

So, I wonder what mods I will need to do? (probably a bigger buss bar I would think). And the big question will be if the breakers and mods meet code in CA. This, I'm sure, you can not advise me about being that you apparently live in Germany. Hopefully someone in the states with direct experience with these breakers, etc... will respond.

take care and thanks again

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Hey Jim, always rain-in on my parade - aren't you?!

Just kidding! I always appreciate your insight.

I do want to stay within code.

Ya know, I'm just looking for a good quality breaker with a big, strong, positive connection to the buss bar.