Power conditioner or not?

I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?
Every system is different. Therefore power conditioning requirements, by defintion, are unique to each system.

No one product can possibly be ideal for everybody despite some amateur thoughts here on the subject.

There's a reason for the dozens of makes and models currently available.
Just hooked up my MIT Z Cord III to feed my Z stabilizer MKIII HG which purifies my 400xi via a Transparent MM reference PC...together with some carefully placed Mapleshade vibration control products, I have obtained the largest, most open and dynamic soundstage I have ever heard in my life. The purity and expression is stunning...I am 4th row center at the BSO! I took it upon myself to hot rod my simple stop gap system more as a challenge than anything else...an excersize in how far I could take an integrated/source system. I never thought the synergy would be so addictive that my desire for more equipment would subside. The problem lies in the fact that in order to get these results I am using about $20K worth of cabling:)

Power conditioning, as stated earlier and accurately, is system dependent and there are many products available which serve the many requirements of the audiophile.

To believe that capitalism, rather than necessity, is the genesis for all of the products on the market is simply naive and shows a complete lack of understanding regarding power delivery.

A combination of conditioning and cables that works well in one system could be totally dysfunctional in another. Only an inexperienced amateur would deny it.

In closing one not need to spend $20K to achieve reference level sonics. None of my display systems' cabling total approaches that number but all will smoke the system referenced here.

It's about matching components not pouring money into a cable black hole.

I hope that helps.
Audiofeil, do you read much or interact with people other than your friends from epsilon prime? I am not alone in any of the statements I have made. In fact, if you care to think outside your closed minded box, you would discover many scenarios capable of reproducing music well...some mainstream and others counterintuitive. You never seem to really open up about any real specifics regarding your own inner audio travels. What music do you favor...artists? Your not hold up on a compound somewhere in the midwest are you?