Source or speaker

I am reconfirming over and over again something that I discovered awhile back. Get the source right and everything else will follow. I have a system that often outshines what I hear in showrooms, but occasionally I hear something good in one of the shops too and it's because analog is the source.
My speakers can do it all but only when the signal is there.
What has been your experience?
What would you recommend to newbies?
All intersting points!
I finally got my system to sound right so it's easy for me to say to others still improving their systems to forget all those tweaks and just sit back and enjoy. But I can easily say that NOW because I am already there.
As for those who have not finished tuning their system to the room and matching components to other components and incorporating tweaks I say those things deserve attention and those tweaks may very well be necessary. I know for certain the tweaks I incorporated into my system matter. Especially those on my turntable and tonearm. Also the speakers being suspended from the ceiling!
How I got my sytem to sound right (to me of course) was mostly out of luck. Sure I did alot of research, but I still could have gone a different direction and that would have changed everything. It's mostly about synergy and room interaction and getting the source right. Also the isolation though I cannot say conclusively the suspension is making a difference in every application that I applied it to like the amplifier, though it wouldn't surprise me if even there it is making a difference. The turntable is a no brainer, the phono stage and preamp too I would be willing to bet are making a difference.
So I still say even though the speakers matter so much, the source has to be right because nothing in the world can correct a bad source! My system improved tremendously when I was tweaking my source. I still can do more but am in no rush.
"Build your system around speakers that knock you out.

Then find an amp that matches the speakers.

Everything else will fall into place."

Audiofeil says it well....and correctly.
How I got my sytem to sound right (to me of course) was mostly out of luck.

Great point. You can take the totally random luck approach or you can take Bill's advice. I fourth Audiofeil!
Speaker first. Audition speakers at your house and commit lots of time evaluating them. Make sure you listen to various types of speakers (box sealed, box ported, OB, planar, high efficient, low efficient, one/two/three/etc. drivers, sat/sub, etc.) As you form your opinion make sure you like it at the volumes you'll typically play and can listen to it with most (if not all) of your recordings for long periods of time without fatigue. Then as time goes on you can improve your source if necessary or you just get itchy.