Is unity gain a real HT bypass?

I'm looking at maybe purchasing an older preamp that has a unity gain setting that is meant for connecting an external processor. Does anyone know if this is a true ht bypass that avoids the preamp's processing circuitry, or will running the ht signal through this path noticeably affect the sound? The unit in question is a bat vk5i, though I'm also curious about this question in general. Thanks. -Dave
If the BAT degrades the sound of hometheater, you wouldn't want to use it for two channel either?....correct?

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I would guess that Unity Gain is techically different than Bypass. IMHO, bypass would suggest a direct, alternate path from input to output, whereas Unity Gain is the normal path with zero attenuation/amplification of the source signal. This arrangement allows the downstream main power amp to "see" the same signal that the upstream processor will be sending to the other amp(s) for the remaining channels.

So while it's technically different, the outcome is practically the same. As Dave suggests, if the BAT is capable (transparent, resolving, etc) of producing high quality two channel, then it should be satisfactory in a home theater signal chain.

For disclosure purposes, I have a BAT VK-3i running my dedicated two-channel rig (BAT power, Magneplanars).
That all sounds reasonable. If anyone has tried this specifically, I'd like to know the results. BTW, what do you all think of this particular equipment match - the bat vk5i with theta front end and amp, snell c/v speakers. Current preamp is a simaudio p5. Thanks. -Dave
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