Anyone own a Monster AVS 2000 ?

I'am considering this unit and was wondering how constant a voltage this unit is able to maintain. I know that there are three digital meters on the front. One shows actual line voltage delivered to the unit from the wall, another the voltage the unit is delivering to the system, and a third the difference between the other two. I would like to know how close to 120 volts the unit is able to maintain in actual use. If you have this unit dose the digital read out always stay a constant 120 volts or does it vary by a tenth of a volt or more on the meter? Thanks in advance Gary
Hi, My avs2000 fluctuates +/- 2 to 3 tenths of a volt on the output when the line voltage fluctuates -8 to +3 volts. The noises the unit makes are the servo switches changing taps on the transformer to stabilize the output voltage. The third display on mine is an amp-meter to show current draw of the connected load. I felt the avs200 made a noticeable difference in my system. Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

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Thanks for your responses. Since small fluctuations is what I'am now experiencing sounds like this may not be the solution. Does anyone think that continual small one tenth up and down changes is a bad thing or is this fairly normal? Before I got my Monster conditioner I was oblivious to what my line voltage was but now that I see it goes up and down by one to two tenths on a continual basis I guess it makes me Paranoid. Over a seven day period it will go from 120 volts to 125.5 volts but this is a slow and gradual change . In the four months that I had the conditioner it sounds great I guess I just need to quit looking at the meter and listen to music.
I realize I'm a bit late with this but I'll share my experience.
I found an AVS-2000 in the electronics trailer at my town dump a couple months ago.
It only worked very intermittently....
I discovered that the wiper assembly on the internal variac had loosened up, it took 3 or 4 full revolutions on each of the 2 screws to tighten it up and voila! It works great now.
Your experience with minor fluctuations is nothing to be concerned about at all.
There appears to be an electronic regulator to deal with fluctuations under 1 or 2 volts, anything more than that and it uses a motor to adjust it's huge variac which you'll possibly hear as a low growl (I sometimes hear mine when my neighbors air conditioning compressor fires up)
Those compressors may drop the line voltage 10vac or more but by the time the AVS-2000 lunges at it, it's gone.
And yes mine also continually runs up and down 2 - 5 tenths of a volt. Everyone has their air conditioners on, it's 88° and 90% humidity, my stereo, TV and PC (with 3 monitors) are drawing about 2.3 amps, the unit as adding between 3to 5 volts and fluctuating between 119.9 and 120.3vac . I consider that quite acceptable. :)