Amp burn in time..just being on or music played?

Okay I checked the archives first before asking....nada from what I can find. So, is it the time the amp is actually on or is the time that music is being played through the amp to determine burn in time ???
How long is that time it measured in minutes or hours, days or years in your experience ????
Audiogon forums are filled with good testimony on the break in process for wire, capacitors and resistors.

Why would it be any different for a new amp with thousands of fresh parts to require some burn in time? Break in does vary a lot, depending on design and parts, but all amps get at least a little better and some A LOT better with time.

Actually Goliverjr may have thought his comment funny, but I my first pair of VTL 750 took a good while to settle and my second pair (very used) was up to 100% after a couple of days.
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How about the designers of parts and equipment that agree with those of us that experience break in?

Aside from those of us that listen, do you distrust the designer of Cardas caps, Aria Caps, V Cap, Infini Cap and Dynamicaps as well as Steve McCormack, Mike Elliott, Richard Vandersteen, Paul Weitzel, Ralph Karsten, Andy Payor and countless others?

Or, perhaps ALL OF THEM are in a great conspiracy to fool you poor audiophiles and these experts have no real knowledge? Just a bitter scam to get your money before the trial period expires.

That is perhaps the most ridiculous conspiracy theory I've read at Audiogon.