I have not tried damping plates, but I have a hunch that Glory is absolutely correct. I suspect that A bag full of led shot on top of a component may be as effective as any expensive solution. You can also try the effect of maple butcherblock on top of your equipment. . . e.g.:
A DIY solution is to drive to your local kitchen counter fabricator. . . choose a small piece of discarded granite or limestone from the dump in the back of the store, and pay a few dollars to have it cut and trimmed to desired size. Then by a thin sorbitane pad to place on top of your equipment before you load it with the granit.
Let us know your results.
A DIY solution is to drive to your local kitchen counter fabricator. . . choose a small piece of discarded granite or limestone from the dump in the back of the store, and pay a few dollars to have it cut and trimmed to desired size. Then by a thin sorbitane pad to place on top of your equipment before you load it with the granit.
Let us know your results.