How to fix a lack of bass Null

Have tryed tying all sorts of different key words on Audiogon, until to day did'nt relised, that a room could be affected by a lack of bass, from what I read, this call a null, I have tryed different equipment over the last couple of years as I always thought that my equiment was bass shy. I found this programe on Audiogon called Hunecke speaker calulator, not shore if I am using it properly,It shows a big dip @31.5 - 63 hz and could explain a lake of base at my seating position, I cant seem to be able to move the speaker with the cursor, this is suppose to change speaker location and tell you flatess spot I think if I am reading it right? Do I buy a meter and setup disk? what treaments is there for this problem (Nulls), if this is the case?I google with know real answer's!
Room 5.250L x 4.00W x 2.4H
BTW, what frequency spectrum would be attenuated by the mattress you recommend?

Absorption is mostly about size and thickness. A mattress of this type will usually be several layers of different density latex and therefore you should get good broadband absorption. Unfortunately, a coil mattress and box-spring has much of the space filled with air - so if you can find something to stuff the box with then you'll get an amazing low end response.
At first I thought you were recommending that the mattress be mounted on the wall or in the corners!

Newbee. Where you mount your mastress is none of my business - just don't get caught doing it!
Mounting anthing vertically is much more of a challenge than horizontally. But I think horizontal mounting produces much greater sonic's, and has greater WAF. Personally I prefer horzontal mounting in stereo applications whenever possible.
K_rose - maybe I'm missing something, but if you have reflections between two walls you should have amplification on even reflections 2, 4, 6 etc (in case of 5.25m it's 33Hz 66Hz 99Hz etc) and nulling (valleys) on odd reflections 1,3,5 etc. (frequencies in-between).

You should have the same amount of bass - only points of peaks and valleys will be different. It is possible that peak at 33Hz is useless (lowest bass E=44Hz, lowest piano A=27Hz but seldom used) and 49 Hz is suppressed giving you impression of weak bass (lack of extension). Damping room at low freqeuncies is not trivial and deep pattern foams are expensive and ugly.

You will get the strongest bass with speakers and listening spot at opposite walls.

The only speakers that don't do peaks and valleys are bipolar speakers (planar, electrostats) but they have modest bass to start with.

Try to toe in speakers at almost 45 deg angle - it will even up bass a little, will probably narrow the image but it will widen sweet spot. Room mode calculators are often very complex (3d plots) and might not be very helpful. Best bet to see what is happening would be to get good sound level meter and test CD.
Last night I tryed a test cd on 50hz on repeat and walk around the room, if this makes sense the sine wave was more noticable standing up than sitting down, clearer at the front and back, Sorry Kijanki, I have been missing the piont of what I have been doing for a while know,I will admit Iam struggle reading all the tecnical stuff with regards to the room hz and so forth, I like the old days when it did'nt matter when I was in my early teens and just love to listern to music!I like the idea of using my latex bed though, I will wait to Sunday when the other half is out and I will give it ago!who knows