To Filter or Not To Filter . . .

I don't know if I have a problem that needs fixing. I live in Northern California and currently do not implement any sort of power filtration, conditioning, or surge protection devices. In short of trial and error, how do I know if I need these or not? I am currently using rhodium A/C receptacles with VH audio flavor 4 power cables with rhodium connectors. Thanks!
Filter. The question should be which not if?

Dedicated mains if you can. If you are really going for it separate source and amps or digital and analogue.
Thank you for all of the advice thus far. While I'm installing a new panel, surge protection, and re-wiring my room, are there any filtration devices that can be installed in wall or at the panel, something to take the place of a conventional stand alone unit that plugs into the wall?
PS Audio has a new device similar to their Ultimate Outlet that installs flush in the wall. So it looks like a large wall outlet. But eliminates another box on the floor and an AC cord. There are large isolation transformers that can be installed near the panel. Low WAF but great for that Frankenstein look. And of course, several companies offer high quality in wall AC wire.