I asked Ted Denney about his Teslaplax outlets and here is the response I got...
"Regarding gold jewelery AC outlets, ferrous (magnetic) and non-ferrous (non-magnetic) receptacles, all of these considerations will have an effect on sound but as is always the case, the proof is in the pudding. I first listened to dozens of commercial duplex outlets, found designs I liked, then had a custom 20 amp duplex made to my specifications. You will notice that compared to the jewelery outlets mine has comparatively less metal, just like the connectors for my cables seem modest when compared to fancy precious metal connectors. I find when something looks like jewelery it tends to sound compressed and congested- a good design will have only the material needed to get the job done. A design that has substantially more material (conductor) is more designed to catch the eye of the audiophile, then his or her ear.
Lastly every Teslaplex is Quantum Tunneled and this makes a HUGE difference. For anyone who has Tesla power cords, including Holograms with their 079 connectors (which do not have more conductor material then needed), the common link will be Quantum Tunneling and this means top performance is achieved through the use of a Teslaplex and not any other brand (that I know of) duplex.
On a design philosophy basis, just because I see a lot of companies riding a "train" of design philosophy, with marketing and market acceptance to make selling a product easier, does not mean I follow suite if I know the trend to be false. I design everything I build to be the best it can be, and I tend to design products that are very different from other brands because I actually design for sound, not marketing. This has meant I have been swimming against the stream..."
"Regarding gold jewelery AC outlets, ferrous (magnetic) and non-ferrous (non-magnetic) receptacles, all of these considerations will have an effect on sound but as is always the case, the proof is in the pudding. I first listened to dozens of commercial duplex outlets, found designs I liked, then had a custom 20 amp duplex made to my specifications. You will notice that compared to the jewelery outlets mine has comparatively less metal, just like the connectors for my cables seem modest when compared to fancy precious metal connectors. I find when something looks like jewelery it tends to sound compressed and congested- a good design will have only the material needed to get the job done. A design that has substantially more material (conductor) is more designed to catch the eye of the audiophile, then his or her ear.
Lastly every Teslaplex is Quantum Tunneled and this makes a HUGE difference. For anyone who has Tesla power cords, including Holograms with their 079 connectors (which do not have more conductor material then needed), the common link will be Quantum Tunneling and this means top performance is achieved through the use of a Teslaplex and not any other brand (that I know of) duplex.
On a design philosophy basis, just because I see a lot of companies riding a "train" of design philosophy, with marketing and market acceptance to make selling a product easier, does not mean I follow suite if I know the trend to be false. I design everything I build to be the best it can be, and I tend to design products that are very different from other brands because I actually design for sound, not marketing. This has meant I have been swimming against the stream..."