No. For the connections you describe, your system phase would be inverted.
Invert: to reverse in position or relationship.
What comes out is inverted, or reversed, in relation to what went in.
Non-invert: to keep the position or relationship the same.
What comes out is not inverted, or reversed, in relation to what went in.
If only one of your components in the chain inverts phase, the end result is an inverted phase.
If you have two inverting components in the chain, the output of the first is inverted. This inverted signal then goes into the next component, which inverts the signal, resulting in an output that is now in-phase, or very close to it, from the original signal.
Lay a coin on the table, either side up. Now flip it over, or invert it, and the other side is up. Now flip it one more time. Aren't you back to the side you started with?
One thing may be confusing you about this. The components in your system do not have a clue as to what the absolute phase is, nor do they care.
Forget about phasing in recordings because this is a whole other can of worms. I've heard it said that phase is, more often than not, inverted many times through the recording process. So stick to what you can control in your system.
Invert: to reverse in position or relationship.
What comes out is inverted, or reversed, in relation to what went in.
Non-invert: to keep the position or relationship the same.
What comes out is not inverted, or reversed, in relation to what went in.
If only one of your components in the chain inverts phase, the end result is an inverted phase.
If you have two inverting components in the chain, the output of the first is inverted. This inverted signal then goes into the next component, which inverts the signal, resulting in an output that is now in-phase, or very close to it, from the original signal.
Lay a coin on the table, either side up. Now flip it over, or invert it, and the other side is up. Now flip it one more time. Aren't you back to the side you started with?
One thing may be confusing you about this. The components in your system do not have a clue as to what the absolute phase is, nor do they care.
Forget about phasing in recordings because this is a whole other can of worms. I've heard it said that phase is, more often than not, inverted many times through the recording process. So stick to what you can control in your system.