
Which devices benefit more from the stillpoints? cd-players, power amplidiers, loudspeakers, tube-, solidstate?
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I have got a set of stillpoints risers and inverse risers.
Do you have any suggestions especially about the use of the IRs?
Apopira, are you referring to the mini-risers, or the full size ones? And what are you using the SP's for/under? I'm very knowledgable about using Stillpoints as well as the Stillpoints Component Stands.
Had Stilpoints under CD player ,AMP etc Then used SYMPOSIUM ROLERBLOCKS SERIES 2 ROLLERBLOCKS JR and SE under AMP . ROLLERBLOCKS much better bass definition sounstage etc. MUCH MUCH Better!!!ROLLERBLOCK JRs with TUNSTEN CARBIDE #10 BALLS cheaper as well!!
Ebm (and others ;--)
So much depends on how the Stillpoints are actually implemented/installed, meaning:

Pointed up or down?
Using what accessories?
Are the accessories fastened or just "sitting there"?
Are they in a configuration of three or four?

I find too many people just "throw a set of Stillpoints" under something (because that's about all you can do with most other devices) and expect miracles. Stillpoints can indeed do miracles, but the user has to do the work of discovering the best way to install/configure them for a given application.

I have a friend in the Tucson Symphony Orchestra who uses them under his amp and power conditioners and, on the Component Stands, under his speakers and individually between the low and high frequency sections of the speakers. (Dat's a lotta Stillpoints!) AND (with all that!) claims he can hear the difference between pointing them up or down!!!

Who am I to argue?