Rolled some 12ax7's recently...

Hi All,
I went through my supply of 12ax7's recently and found some goodies.
I recently compared Bugle Boys to Telefunkens in the phono stage of my pre-amp. Interesting (to me, at least). I found the Telefunkens to be nice sounding; very clean and clear, very nice detail, over all a very nice sounding tube. The Bugle Boys, however, were magical! WOW! Timbre was so much more apparent. The soundstage depth and width increased; especially the depth. The music seemed to come alive and glow. It was much more captivating.
I found such a dramatic difference between two high quality tubes very interesting.
I have yet to try 10m's, and 70's Mullards that I found. I will report when I do...
By the way, NOS Sylvania's sound nice in the line-level stage. All tubes reported are vintage NOS. I match them with my tube tester. And, I do not change the volume setting between tube brands tested.
Any comments are more than welcomed! I appreciate any information on your experiences with 12ax7's. The price of some of these NOS is incredible; I am glad to have these nice examples in my collection!
Bicycle Man,

Thanks for your insight. I know exactly what you mean about the highs. They have a definite edge to them in my setup right now. The bass has been fine for me, I think mostly in part due to my Forte II speakers.

What positions do you have the BB in? Also, I forget, did you end up trying any 5751s?

Rodman, I danced around with various 6201's after trying some 'normal' TFK and RCA 12AT7's (which weren't bad actually) and also a quad of Mullard CV4024's (which for some reason I didn't really like; which surprised me after all the good things I'd heard), anyway, I liked the Sylvania 6201's a lot (the 2-mica BP gold pins) but the ones I like best (they're not 6201's) are the GEC A2900 (or CV6091 military designation.) These are amazing tubes; really powerful, but smooth as silk, like Gold Lion KT-88's! I was going to try and put together a spare quad but I think the word has got out (damn!) I got my first pair for $85 six months ago, and now they're over $200!! Check the mutual conductance values on these babies, and you'll see what I mean by 'powerful'!
Sounds like me. I should have stocked up on TungSol 6SN7GT/VT-231 Round Plates($50.00 ea, when I fell in love with them) while I had the chance. I was going to use three 6201's as phase splitter/drivers, but gave up on that amp after getting burned by the transformer builder(paid for, never received). Nothing I own now uses 6201's, so- I've never even heard these.