On one leg or two legs?

If you install two dedication circuits, would you install both breakers on the same leg or one on each? and why?
A bad tube can definitely cause a buzz and a bad electrolytic in the power supply can cause a hum. I would also think a leaky cap in the signal path could cause a hum.

You might want to send an email to BAT customer support and ask them.

You never answered my question. Do the amps have auto biasing? If you do not know for sure I would not just switch the tubes around.
Jim -- He appears to have answered that, at the end of his first post dated today.

-- Al
Amps are self biasing.
02-04-09: Maril555
Thanks I missed it on the first read.
It's not tubes, at least not the power tubes. I switched them around, hum stays with the same amp.
I guess, BAT will have to take a look.