active X-over

Hi guys,would anybody know of the effects of connecting a
Active X-over with speakers that have passive X-overs in them already.
My DD-15 subs X-over will be disabled.I will be going from my prepro out to Ext X-over inputs,X-over sub low pass outs to sub input,X-over highpass outs to 7B-sst mono blocks.
my mains are revel(50as) and I assume should be set to large as to send all low end to mains,Thanks for any thoughts.
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Hi Bob,that,s what i'll be doing also is highpassing my 50as.
I just figure that the 10B should be superior to the Av-8s internal X-over+the DDs X-over.I like what I have so far as sound goes,I'm thinking maybe I can squeeze more out of her.
True my Av-8 is not all analog,when I do run her in bypass mode she's very quiet.I just think if the sound is going thru a Quality piece,then I'm hoping my music will benefit.
to me it's about the music,if I can get a smidge more Quality sound using the 10B,great.To me it is worth it to purchase whatever to hearing a nice sounding bass or vocals ect.I even did this on audiocircle,some say why am I doing it this ,just stick to what you haveand some say try it.
I am running as Analog as I can as far as my cdp(analog outs,using the Bcd-1s dacs into analog inputs on the Av-8.
definately not pure analog.Maybe the Bryston SP3 will have a pure analog section,she won't be on market for awhile yet.I could run her thru my PH-stage(Allnic-1200)tubes.
Just looking a little music upgrade that's it,I guess I need a total analog system and a digital system,then I'd need @x the amps,speakers ect,Bob,when I receive the 10B and try it out for a few days and let you know,Don
At least if your test provides a null result it will have been worth it - just the peace of mind knowing you are not short changing yourself with pre. I have done tons of of A/B testing and it helps to use the remote and to try and do things blind if you can...often sighted tests result in a preference whereas blind tests result in a shrug of the shoulders...
True enough,PEACE OF MIND and then active speakers,will this ever end,I hope not, she's too much fun,and the blind testing is a very good way of testing,shutting out everything but the music,Thanks for that one.