Thanks Stanwal. My electrical knowledge is limited, but from other threads on the subject, I've gathered that most folks have either a single dedicated line plus conditioner, or multiple dedicted lines with no conditioner...lots of in-between too.
There seems to be an issue regarding ground potential that can produce hum with multiple lines. For example, the different circuits using different guage wire, recepatacle/breaker ratings, and/or grounding techniques.
So, I'm wiring three lines with 20 amp breakers, 20 amp receptacles, and 10 guage wire. I'll then decide whether or not to use my conditioner somewhere. Anyway, that still leaves me wondering if my two prong tuner upsets something?
There seems to be an issue regarding ground potential that can produce hum with multiple lines. For example, the different circuits using different guage wire, recepatacle/breaker ratings, and/or grounding techniques.
So, I'm wiring three lines with 20 amp breakers, 20 amp receptacles, and 10 guage wire. I'll then decide whether or not to use my conditioner somewhere. Anyway, that still leaves me wondering if my two prong tuner upsets something?