popping sound from l and r speakers

Hi folks. I have my 2ch system imbedded in my htr.
When watching tv, I get a popping sound when I change channels, pause or play on the dvr. The "pop" does not get louder in response to volume level on the htr, but it does go away if I have the htr set to "mute".

Any ideas of what I could do or if it is even a problem to worry about?

Video and audio systems have a habit of popping when their connected.Dont worry,but do run it down to satisfy curiousity[sp].Someone in the know will be by here soon,good luck,Bob
I tried changing components and cables one at a time to try and isolate.
The only way that I could eliminate the "pop" to the l and r speakers when changing tv channels or pausing a movie was to take the capri out of the loop.( And that is *not* a workable solution. That much became clearas I tried to listen to music with out it.)
if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
as far as i understand it, and it's minimal, there is a specific resistor that is installed in either the pre/pro or amp that mutes or absorbs that pop. some units have it some don't. some combinations will cause pop, some won't even with or without the resistor. it is a hit or miss thing. my jaton/marantz combo has the issue. marantz avoided responsability(i beleive the resister does belong in the pre/pro)but jaton offered the solution to instal in their amp. i have not done so yet so i cannot comment.