Best isolation under a big receiver ?

I have found the gingko cloud to be great under my cd player, and am perfectly satisfied with it. But i have nothing under my big b&k avr307 receiver except the shelf it sits on. I know it is not as sensitive as my source, but i would still welcome your thoughts.
Thank You for your response

I have been researching this on AG since first reading this thread!
If you don’t want to spring for a Symposium platform. I like a hard maple platform with cones under the component. I’ve found it opens up the sound while enhancing detail.
My background is live sound. The fact that they make combo amps with the amp inside the speaker cab and assuming these principles apply to all amps in general really baffles me. They would design and sell these combos for thousands without properly dampening the amps. We often place our amps on top of our cabs. I play bass guitar and to think I have been potentiay killing my tone does not make me happy.

Maybe with live sound it's not as important but after researching these principles and the lengths audiophiles go through to dampen with the results that are gained really opened my eyes to this issue!