Copper Sleeve over IEC

There has been several threads on AA about putting a 1 1/2" copper union (coupler) over the IEC on the CD Player, Preamp, Amp.

Well I tried it...

Anyone else give it a try?
hi, i think that it is easy to underestimate the importance of vibration controll on michanical connections. the copper sleave is heavy and dense, and i would bet that a large portion of what you are hearing is michanical dampening of the plug . just a hunch, happy listening, chrissain
one more tweek, for all those of you that can open the iec or male plugs on your powercords, get the clear silicone caulk at home depot and fill your connectors, the improvement is worthwhile . loose and undampend mechanical connections are a source of noise, this is very well documented. see what nelson pass has to say about cables. one more cheap tweak to try, good luck and happy listening ! chrissain

I might have some clearance problems at the AC ends due to very close spacing on the back of the Hydra and size of the Shunyata cords.

I'll try and give it a shot, without scraping the lettering or heatshrinks on a 2K P/C !

For a nice look, I used Goo-Gone to remove the adhesives on the outside of the sleeves, then used a Scotch-Brite pad to debur the ends and polish the inside and outside for a nice looking finish, rinsed-em in soapy warm water to clean-em up.

This tweak should stay here for us, if a manufacturer catches wind, the price of a P/C would double, in this economy we need real deals.
The Reference models from are eliminating /reducing EMI right where it was being generated, the Toroid transformers. The INSIDE images from the website show beautiful craftsmanship of the Reference models and how well the Toroid transformers being covered. Let’s compare them with ones that are “naked” from cheaper MArantz models....

The Halo models from have diff route to reduce EMI. They use thick and solid wall plates to corner up the transformer then move some of the electrical components and wiring that they think would be effect the most to the other side of the plates and away from the transformers.
Other companies may have diff ways to control EMI, but so far I like the way Marantz do theirs most.

That makes sense, show no harm and doesn't cost much to do. Sounds promising.
Rx8man, I understand what you mean, my Synergistic PowerCell has pretty close plug outlet arrangement too.
Just dont try to fit 2 copper sleeves on the same outlet or next to each other, that will never work.
I was really only concerned with my Cary CD player and Tascam CD recorder. I moved those so they were not next to each other and was able to use the sleeve and plug them in.

Chrissain, not sure if I have the nerve to insert glue inside the Synergistic Hologram D powercord. I may try it first on a lesser (in $$$) cord first. Thanks for the tip.

Nasaman, Marantz seems to have an interest with proper shielding,good for them. Heck,just the fact that they released the video on the copper sleeves shows there on the right track.
Funny though that they didnt provide a ground wire to thier $$$ CD Player...