Well, I've tried it and it took the body out of the music.
The airy openess is do to the fact that it thined out the notes from top to bottom.
I used it on just the CD players IEC and it was like going from a lush tube to a bright tube. Not quite as dramatic, but I had tuned my system to just left of neutral with just the right amount of body and this took it to pure neutral with a thinning of the body.
My room is nicely treated and I can hear very subtle differences. If my system was just a bit warmer and I was trying to get it closer to neutral, then it would really be a cheap way of doing it.
I didn't get any more dynamics, the bass got tighter because it got leaner. I guess my system was right were I wanted it to be.
It does make a difference, but critical listening confirms it does thin out the music just a tad.