power conditioning vs. power regeneration?

Hi Goners:
Would someone be kind enough to explain the differences between the two and where one would be superior to the other?
Would power regeneration replace the need for dedicated lines?

dedicated lines are a basic and a must have....after doing this I would try a regenerator and power conditioner and see if you can hear any difference and if you do choose the one you like. don't forget treating room acoustics is also a basic.
A power regenerator is an electronic component which contains internally a 60Hz oscillator driving a high capacity power amplifier. Its 60Hz output is what powers the audio system, and the ac from the wall is only used to power the regenerator itself. So in principle the audio system will see ac power that is very pure, and essentially free of noise, harmonics, etc.

A power conditioner is essentially a filter, which passes the 60Hz ac from the wall to the audio system, while attenuating to some degree the noise and other spectral impurities that may be present. Some of them also provide outlets that are isolated from each other to some degree, so that noise from digital components can be prevented from coupling into analog components via their power connections.

Individual experiences vary with all of these products. As Larry suggested, see if you can evaluate some of them in your particular system on a trial basis, and go with what works best.

-- Al
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