Good that the gas Dryer did not cause a problem. That is a plus I would think.
Before you contact the installer I suggest you do a little homework. I asked you to post who made your furnace and the model number if possible. I spent a little time on Google last night and I found there are others out there with similar problems as you.
Check this out......
Quote from Link:
Enforcement Bureau
Spectrum Enforcement Division
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325-7245
August 28, 2006
(name withheld)
(address withheld)
Lebanon, PA 17402
Dear (name withheld):
The Federal Communications Commission has received a complaint that your residential furnace ignition system is causing harmful radio interference to an operator in the Amateur Radio Service. The complainant is:
(name withheld)
(address withheld)
Lebanon, PA 17042
The FCC has the responsibility to require that such problems be rectified within a reasonable time if the interference is caused by faulty consumer equipment. Under FCC rules, equipment such as a furnace igniter is classified as an "incidental radiator." This term is used to describe equipment that does not intentionally generate any radio-frequency energy, but that may create such energy as an incidental part of its intended operation.
To help you better understand your responsibilities under FCC rules, here are the most important rules relating to radio and television interference from incidental radiators:
Title 47, CFR Section 15.5 General conditions of operation.
(b) Operation of an intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator is subject to the conditions that no harmful interference is caused and that interference must be accepted that may be caused by the operation of an authorized radio station, by another intentional or unintentional radiator, by industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment, or by an incidental radiator.
(c) The operator of the radio frequency device shall be required to cease operating the device upon notification by a Commission representative that the device is causing harmful interference. Operation shall not resume until the condition causing the harmful interference has been corrected.
Title 47, CFR Section 15.13 Incidental radiators.
Manufacturers of these devices shall employ good engineering practices to minimize the risk of harmful interference.
Title 47, CFR Section 15.15 General technical requirements.
(c) Parties responsible for equipment compliance should note that the limits specified in this part will not prevent harmful interference under all circumstances. Since the operators of Part 15 devices are required to cease operation should harmful interference occur to authorized users of the radio frequency spectrum, the parties responsible for equipment compliance are encouraged to employ the minimum field strength necessary for communications, to provide greater attenuation of unwanted emissions than required by these regulations, and to advise the user as to how to resolve harmful interference problems (for example, see Sec. 15.105(b)).
The complainant has attempted unsuccessfully to resolve this problem with the furnace igniter and as a result the matter has been referred to our office. The FCC prefers that those responsible for the proper operation of equipment assume their responsibilities fairly. This means that you should resolve the interference caused by the furnace igniter and make necessary corrections within a reasonable time.
While the FCC has confidence that most people are able to resolve these issues voluntarily, the FCC wants to make you aware that this unresolved problem may be a violation of FCC rules and could result in a monetary forfeiture (fine) for each occurrence. At this stage, the FCC encourages the parties to resolve this problem without FCC intervention; but if necessary to facilitate resolution, the FCC may investigate possible rules violations and address appropriate remedies.
The American Radio Relay League, a national organization of Amateur Radio operators, may be able to offer help and guidance about radio interference that involves Amateur Radio operators.
American Radio Relay League
Radio Frequency Interference Desk
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Tel: (860) 594-0200
E-mail: rfi@arrl.org
Please advise the complainant what steps you are taking to correct this reported interference problem. The FCC expects that most cases can be resolved within 60 days of the time they are first reported. If you are unable to resolve this within 60 days, please advise this office about the nature of the problem, the steps you are taking to resolve it and the estimated time in which those steps can be accomplished. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at 717-338-2502.
W. Riley Hollingsworth
Special Counsel
cc: FCC Northeastern Regional Director
End of quote.
FCC Link
If you have a 120V AM/FM radio I would set the radio to the AM band, set the radio on a weak station and listen for the ignitor interference. Good chance you will hear it...
I would call the installer back and ask him nicely to call the furnace manufacture Tech Support help line and find out if they have had any similar complaints.
I would also send along the Link I provided along with any other you may find doing a Google search.
At the very least the installer should send one of his techs out to check out the furnace. If the tech does not find a problem nor offers any relief I would then request the installer contact the manufacture of the furnace and request the manufacturer to pay the installer to remedy the problem in what ever manner is needed. The cure might simply be to install an AC line filter on the furnace.
Good that the gas Dryer did not cause a problem. That is a plus I would think.
Before you contact the installer I suggest you do a little homework. I asked you to post who made your furnace and the model number if possible. I spent a little time on Google last night and I found there are others out there with similar problems as you.
Check this out......
Quote from Link:
Enforcement Bureau
Spectrum Enforcement Division
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325-7245
August 28, 2006
(name withheld)
(address withheld)
Lebanon, PA 17402
Dear (name withheld):
The Federal Communications Commission has received a complaint that your residential furnace ignition system is causing harmful radio interference to an operator in the Amateur Radio Service. The complainant is:
(name withheld)
(address withheld)
Lebanon, PA 17042
The FCC has the responsibility to require that such problems be rectified within a reasonable time if the interference is caused by faulty consumer equipment. Under FCC rules, equipment such as a furnace igniter is classified as an "incidental radiator." This term is used to describe equipment that does not intentionally generate any radio-frequency energy, but that may create such energy as an incidental part of its intended operation.
To help you better understand your responsibilities under FCC rules, here are the most important rules relating to radio and television interference from incidental radiators:
Title 47, CFR Section 15.5 General conditions of operation.
(b) Operation of an intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator is subject to the conditions that no harmful interference is caused and that interference must be accepted that may be caused by the operation of an authorized radio station, by another intentional or unintentional radiator, by industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment, or by an incidental radiator.
(c) The operator of the radio frequency device shall be required to cease operating the device upon notification by a Commission representative that the device is causing harmful interference. Operation shall not resume until the condition causing the harmful interference has been corrected.
Title 47, CFR Section 15.13 Incidental radiators.
Manufacturers of these devices shall employ good engineering practices to minimize the risk of harmful interference.
Title 47, CFR Section 15.15 General technical requirements.
(c) Parties responsible for equipment compliance should note that the limits specified in this part will not prevent harmful interference under all circumstances. Since the operators of Part 15 devices are required to cease operation should harmful interference occur to authorized users of the radio frequency spectrum, the parties responsible for equipment compliance are encouraged to employ the minimum field strength necessary for communications, to provide greater attenuation of unwanted emissions than required by these regulations, and to advise the user as to how to resolve harmful interference problems (for example, see Sec. 15.105(b)).
The complainant has attempted unsuccessfully to resolve this problem with the furnace igniter and as a result the matter has been referred to our office. The FCC prefers that those responsible for the proper operation of equipment assume their responsibilities fairly. This means that you should resolve the interference caused by the furnace igniter and make necessary corrections within a reasonable time.
While the FCC has confidence that most people are able to resolve these issues voluntarily, the FCC wants to make you aware that this unresolved problem may be a violation of FCC rules and could result in a monetary forfeiture (fine) for each occurrence. At this stage, the FCC encourages the parties to resolve this problem without FCC intervention; but if necessary to facilitate resolution, the FCC may investigate possible rules violations and address appropriate remedies.
The American Radio Relay League, a national organization of Amateur Radio operators, may be able to offer help and guidance about radio interference that involves Amateur Radio operators.
American Radio Relay League
Radio Frequency Interference Desk
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Tel: (860) 594-0200
E-mail: rfi@arrl.org
Please advise the complainant what steps you are taking to correct this reported interference problem. The FCC expects that most cases can be resolved within 60 days of the time they are first reported. If you are unable to resolve this within 60 days, please advise this office about the nature of the problem, the steps you are taking to resolve it and the estimated time in which those steps can be accomplished. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at 717-338-2502.
W. Riley Hollingsworth
Special Counsel
cc: FCC Northeastern Regional Director
End of quote.
FCC Link
If you have a 120V AM/FM radio I would set the radio to the AM band, set the radio on a weak station and listen for the ignitor interference. Good chance you will hear it...
I would call the installer back and ask him nicely to call the furnace manufacture Tech Support help line and find out if they have had any similar complaints.
I would also send along the Link I provided along with any other you may find doing a Google search.
At the very least the installer should send one of his techs out to check out the furnace. If the tech does not find a problem nor offers any relief I would then request the installer contact the manufacture of the furnace and request the manufacturer to pay the installer to remedy the problem in what ever manner is needed. The cure might simply be to install an AC line filter on the furnace.