Cable Elevators killed my bass

I purchased a set of 8 Cable Elevators locally on consignment recently for experimentations' sake and was shocked to hear how they seemingly sapped my speakers/system of a couple of hertz of bass output. I have stand-mounted monitors with limited bass so this effect was not subtle. However, every last vestige of grain, haze and artifice in the mid and upper frequencies was gone (and I mean GONE!) as well so this tweak seems to be a double-edged sword that I feel like falling on. Anyone else out there have a similar experience with disappearing bass?
This may be a bit off topic ,But instead of using cable elevators try this for a diy if u can. Pad the outside of your cables with Deflex Paneling by using tie wraps. This will take alot of time and some expense for the Deflex pads
but sonically I think u will be in for a very big surprise.Don C.
Has anyone used cable elevators under power cords? I've got a hardwood floor and thought I might elevate my pc's up and away from the other cables on the floor and had a similar experience with the OP. Bass went bye-bye. I was using pinewood blocks to elevate.
I don't mean to stir the pot here, but this is one of the most absurd threads I've seen. You guys can't be serious. And if you are...

Has anyone tried using test tones and an SPL meter to confirm the bass output, or lack there of? I'm not one of these measurement, DBT, etc. guys but I just can't wrap my head around this one.

I can see the benefit of keeping power cords up and away from other cables like Tholt was alluding to (but I don't think he was actually implying), as I had issues in the past with power cords getting too close to interconnects and causing interference.
Kbarkamian, so why do you read it and post? These ideas yield subtle effects, but positive effects nevertheless. I have never found anything other than ceramics that work, but that is for everyone to judge for themselves.
@ Kbarkamian - point taken. It is absurd to elevate cables in our quest for the nth degree of refinement; however, not unlike spending $400 for 3 footers, or using things like little myrtlewood blocks, or cd mats, or maple cutting boards, or...

It's all absurd. But I can hear differences. Once you accept you're an audiophile, and except just one 'absurd' thing as actually working, you're all in whether you like it or not. Try it and see, absurdity aside.

BTW my question still stands