Cable Elevators killed my bass

I purchased a set of 8 Cable Elevators locally on consignment recently for experimentations' sake and was shocked to hear how they seemingly sapped my speakers/system of a couple of hertz of bass output. I have stand-mounted monitors with limited bass so this effect was not subtle. However, every last vestige of grain, haze and artifice in the mid and upper frequencies was gone (and I mean GONE!) as well so this tweak seems to be a double-edged sword that I feel like falling on. Anyone else out there have a similar experience with disappearing bass?
Tholt, I have always found wood robs the music of its pace and thrill. I would include bass in that. Try cd boxes, but if you really want the best go to china cups. I use special ceramic feet that look like electrical isolators but they are no longer made. They are from Rightway Audio.
Maybe my 'tone' or choice of words came across harsher than intended. One of the downfalls of reading text vs seeing and hearing someone speak. I think it's stupid to tell people what they can and can't hear.

I've tried a lot of 'absurd' things too. Some changed the sound (better and worse), some didn't. I tried hockey pucks and some Ikea wooden X-shaped book ends (a 6 Moons guy wrote about the bookends) as cable elevators. There was no difference to my ears. All of the tweaks I've used were either things I already had at home (like the book ends, butcher blocks) or things I could return for a full refund.

I just can't wrap my head around how elevating cables and/or moving them and letting them settle can effect the sound. Unless you're getting them away from each other or something that causes interference, of course.
Thanks Tbg.

Anyone have any experience with the inexpensive ESD isolators or Signal Cable risers? This isn't something I want to throw a bunch of money at, but if I'm gonna do it, it would be nice if they looked halfway decent.
Tholt, there is very little that I haven't tried from cardboard, wooden sticks, glass blocks, strings from the rack, 18 Kv isolators with the cables hanging down in between, acrylic pieces, etc. Most have a limited effect, some a substantial bad effect, and a few a limited beneficial effect. As I said, I would stick with ceramics, such as cups, soap dishes, etc. If you go to my system page, you will see that the 18Kv isolators don't look very good, especially when I had to tape Suspenders on top of them as they didn't sound good. They are heavy, however, and stay put.
I ordered the ESD risers. $40 for 10 (b-stock. hopefully they don't look like they came from the bottom of a dumpster) to see if they're better than the current wood blocks I'm using.

I have hardwood floors -- cable risers don't seem to make a huge impact in my system. Curiously, putting the wood blocks underneath speaker cables (Zu) sounds worse than when they lay on the floor.