Cable Elevators killed my bass

I purchased a set of 8 Cable Elevators locally on consignment recently for experimentations' sake and was shocked to hear how they seemingly sapped my speakers/system of a couple of hertz of bass output. I have stand-mounted monitors with limited bass so this effect was not subtle. However, every last vestige of grain, haze and artifice in the mid and upper frequencies was gone (and I mean GONE!) as well so this tweak seems to be a double-edged sword that I feel like falling on. Anyone else out there have a similar experience with disappearing bass?

did you use the esd isolators on you Speaker cables only, or also on your power cords? What type of improvement did you hear?
Not sure why my last response didn't post -- I heard small differences with the ESD's: more air, clarity and separation. For $40 shipped for b-stock and a 30 day money back, it's a no-brainer.
How much metal is in your floor? Nails, cement, pipes? I personally poo-poo the whole thing, but would allow for the possibility that there could be some value if your cables were resting on a floor with lots of metal or another reactive material. Who's to say? Twenty five years ago they said CDs were the shiz and that vinyl was dead. Maybe in another 25 years, cable elevators will as common sense as washing your hands to prevent colds.
Maybe in another 25 years, cable elevators will as common sense as washing your hands to prevent colds

Doubt that. And no idea how much metal is in the floor. Small differences i hear, nothing major. But at least the cables are off the floor, and more importantly, separated from each other.