Running Springs Audio

I've been looking at these for sometime. The Dimetri looks really interesting. Anyone have one? Pros / cons? Currently use the Audio Magic Nexus.
Jtwrace, currently I use a Jaco in my system with great results, for details look at my Gon review on this piece. Next week I will be getting the Dimetri with the HZ power cord and will be happy to share what this will do in my system. The Jaco beat out about six other power conditions and the Dimetri is supposed to be at least 20 to 30 precent better across the total sonic landscape, so I'm very curious about how it will make my system perform.
I don't know about the Dimetri, but I'm currently using a RSA Danielle, and previously owned a Audio Magic Stealth and Eclipse models. These are very different sounding power conditioners. The Audio Magic are very fast, nuetral and revealing, though they can sound a tad thin. The RSA conditioners (I've also owned a Jaco and Duke) tend to be fuller, warmer and more powerful sounding, but could sound slow in the wrong system. The RSA products are not quite as rich, and sweet as the Shunyata conditioners, but they are definitely on the other side of nuetral than your Audio Magic conditioner.

05-20-09: Jtwrace

So it sounds like you like it better in your system then the AM?

Absolutely! The AM conditioners had very good speed and resolution, but sounded thin and bright in my system. The RSA are more full bodied and powerful sounding. FWIW, I have found the Elrod EPS-3 Signature power cord to work best with the RSA conditioners. I'd like to try a Elrod Statement, but funds preclude that idea.
