My system acts weird

My system is Audio Aero Capitole, Yba Passion integrated and Harbeth sHl5 speakers, kubala fascination interconnects and kubala expression speaker cables.
I have noticed that most of the time it sounds just ok.(not like it should) sometimes it sounds just plain horrible and sometimes it sounds just right. The sound can improve dramatically for a period of a few minutes and then collapse again. The best performance was during the long weekend - the music was just flowing, lovely and involving. I assume that it could be the power(I live in an old condo building). To rule out the cdp and amp problem I used borrowed CDP and AMP for a while and all the time problem still existed.
So I bought a line conditioner "Sound Application". Even though it does make a difference it did not resolve the problem.
The symptoms of a "bad sound day" are:
base is all over the place-boomy and overwhelming
Soundstage is flat and not well defined.
Entire presentation is just not enjoyable.
I consider buying a re-generator and so far it's ether PS audio Premier or APS PurePower.
If any of you had a similar problem please do share your solution.
Thank you all! I appreciate your help.
Lak - I have one of those isolation transformer and it produces too much of its' own noise. I had to put it in a wooden box to silence it.I used to used it for my turntable set up and I tried to use it with CDP with not much of success.
Magfan- I bought this place less then 2 years ago and only put my system together a few months ago.
Foster_9 - can you please elaborate on your experience with APS and PS Premier? Why did you prefer APS 700 and why didn't you keep it?
This was a couple years ago but the APS back up battery began to lose its charge, but in APS' defense they were very good about responding and taking care of customer service-related issues, including replacement and refund. The Premier decreased the dynamics and rolled the upper end in my system. I liked the APS better because my system did not seem to sufffer dynamic loss near as much as with the Premier.
Turn your amps off and let them totally dischange for at least 2 hours or so. Then turn the amp and pre back on and let it warm up. See how it sounds then.
Thank you all for the help!
Foster_9 -Thank you for the info. Was there anything that you did not like about APS?