Best way to save cd collection?

Need advice on how to save my cd collection to a lossless format and play on my stereo system. Can someone give me a very, very simple explanation of what equipment and/or software I need? Keep in mind that I'm computer challenged. I have an iPod and would consider buying a DAC and Wadia docking station. Would also consider buying a laptop computer if necessary and "streaming" the music to my sytem. My goal is a simple, inexpensive approach that doesn't compromise the quality of the music. Have I mentioned that I'm computer challenged??
I record in Apple Lossless.
Play thru I-tunes via Airtunes controlled with a iPod Touch.
At the stereo end is an Airport Express which has both analogue and optical outputs. I run the Optical to an input on my CA840c CD player to my stereo via balanced cables.
The iPod Touch works easily over the entire house.
Others may differ and have good reasons, but I'm sticking with my iMac.\\

For PC you may be able to use WinAmp and record in FLAC but than you need to figure out the rest of the signal chain.

others will be by shortly with other approaches / signal chain
Recommend you talk to Neal @ Sound Science. No affiliation, other than satisfied customer. His music server will auto-rip your CDs in lossless FLAC (or other that your choose) format, and pick up the artwork and meta-data. You just slip a Cd in the drive and close the door. its automatic from there until it ejects and you slap another disk in. If you have 5-600 CDs that is a big plus. It has the streaming software also built in.

I am using one to stream wirelessly to a Logitech Transporter, which has a line output that can feed a receiver, pre-amp or integrated amp. My Transporter has been modified by Modwright and the sound is oustanding. Most importantly, this set-up is pretty close to plug-n-play and Neil has v good instructions and excellent support. I have called him or emailed him quite a few times before and after the sale and he usually picks up the phone or answer my email within a few minutes; a few hours at the outside. Highly recommended.

I just picked up a mac mini, airport express and ipod touch to act as remote. I would say there is nothing more plug and play. Once the settings are right in itunes, I put the disc in and walk away, it finds track names, artwork, and rips songs. When it is done, it spits the disc out. Couldn't be more straightforward. Plus, I get apple's help on setting up the network if I have trouble.

Please give me a ball park cost estimate for this setup. Will the remote adjust the volume too? Any negatives? I'm assuming this will rip in lossless format?