Phono stage direct to amp?

I'm thinking about using HDMI for CD, SACD, and surround SACD, so that leaves only my phono stage in analog. I'm using a CIA VPP-1 phono stage with a VAC-1 power supply with my Proceed PAV/PDSD. I propose plugging the VPP-1 into the pass-through of an Integra 9.8 or 9.9 processor, thereby replacing the PAV/PDSD. Is the level generally sufficient out of a phono stage for this? If it matters, the cartridge is an Ortofon SME 30H. I'm obviously not a vinyl head, but the phono setup sounds surprisingly good, especially with one of the $50 45 RPM LPs, and I enjoy the Thorens TD160 turntable and SME arm with its adjustments and dangling weight as a toy.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
DB, just noticed that you had said that the 2.4 volt sensitivity is in balanced mode, which I confirmed in the Proceed manual. Am I mistaken in thinking that the high-pass outputs of the SMS-1 have to be taken from unbalanced rca connectors, in which case the amp sensitivity is 1.2 volts rather than 2.4 volts?

If you will be connecting the SMS-1 to the amp single-ended, everything is pretty much a non-issue except for the possible sonic effects of the Integra.

-- Al

1. Another poster at Audiogon who seems much more serious about analog than me (my wife would say I) reports unsullied audio when taking his analog input through a 9.9 pass-through.

2. I use the balanced sub output from the PDSD to the balanced input of the SMS-1 and the balanced output of the SMS-1 to the balanced input of the HGS-15. From the PDF manual, I see the 9.9 has a balanced sub output as well. I suspect even 35 watts/channel will drive the high-passed 104/2s very well and still provide lots of headroom.

Thanks for all your help. A more pressing matter is that the audio/video sync is off by seconds whether the signal comes from the PS3-80 or the HD-DVR. It happened last night after I had monkeyed with the audio setup on the PS3-80, lost the audio by setting output to be digital optical and regained audio by setting the output back to HDMI. It was late so I didn't recheck how I have it hooked up, but I know the PDSD has no HDMI input. But the sync problem was with both the player and the satellite inputs. I couldn't find audio sync in the manual for the Sony VPL-50 projector last night. I'll look again this morning.

I forgot that I added a DVDO Edge to the system, and both the PS3-80 and HD-DVR input to that via HDMI. It sends audio to the PDSD via optical digital. I'll look at the Edge for the sync problem; I must have inadvertently changed some setting.
