
These electronic crossovers look good, I am considering going active;has anyone used them ? Suggestions for alternatives welcome. The Speakers are Spendor S 100s which would be tri amped with 6 identical mono amps.
Happy XM44 owner here. Call Phil. I'm sure he could cook up something that would suit the Spendors!
Another happy XM44 owner here. Using four 300B monoblocks with my Tannoy 15" dual concentric.
Dusty & Jburidan - are you both using the Marchand XM44 because you've bypassed the internal xover within your speakers, OR are you using both the Marchand external xover PLUS the speaker's internal xover??? Care to elaborate?

I wrote:
>much of which the marchand products won't accomodate.

which was incorrect.

You can have shelving filters, peaking filters, notch filters, etc. but some one needs to know what you need and calculate component values. Most of that is listed in the manual.

Each channel of each way has 3 card-slots. Each card-slot connects to the pins of a dual op-amp.
Kevinzoe your proposed solution of using a Marchand to remove low bass from your mains to send to the subwoofers will work and is a very good idea. I am doing the same thing, but using a Behringer until my Marchand arrives.

BTW, baffle step compensation, notch filters, group delay, etc. are available for Marchand crossovers. They are drop-in cards.