Ozzy, got the ref banana's yesterday. These are a mother to install... tight as heck. But, after 2 hours of burn in they seem to definitely improve the soundield and as of my initial review so far do not seem to limit sound field or dynamics. But, this is preliminary at this point. I will do a full on test on Friday night when I have time to spend with full blu-ray hi def, etc. However, I did note cleaner, more detailed mids and high end in the short time I spent with them last night, and on a movie I watched on USA channel - Shoot 'Em Up, a fun flick for disbelief, but a blast to watch (I caught the tail end), I was surprised by the additional, what seemed to me to be, presence in the soundtrack even on compressed cable HD feed for Dolby Digital. The end title hard metal soundtrack came through with much more shear balls than the last time I watched this on the same channel a week or two ago, and had more instrumental separation. Suprised me. Then, I had to hit the hay for today's early start into the office.
Question on the LCD - have you tried both at the same time?
Thanks, Ozzy.