Gain Question

I may not understand what is going on with my vinyl setup.

The chain goes as follows -

Ortofon Per Windfeld Cart .3 mv output
Herron VTPH-2 phono stage 66 db of gain
Cary SLP05 preamp 10 db of gain.

Sound is great but in order to be at a moderate listening volume, the volume nob on the Cary pre must be almost maxxed out. How can I fix this?
You can either get a cartridge with higher output, get a phono stage with more gain, or get a preamp with more gain OR some combination of the above.
Actually, there are two other options, get more sensitive speakers and/or get a more sensitive amplifier(s).

That's the only options I can think of for you to 'fix' this.

66db corresponds to a voltage gain of about 2000. 10db corresponds to a voltage gain of about 3.2. So 0.3mv from the cartridge will result in about 0.3 x 2000 x 3.2 = 1.9 volts into your power amp. That is roughly in the general area of input voltage that most power amps require to reach full power.

Speaker efficiency is also obviously a factor in all of this.

Those numbers reflect the volume control being set all the way up, so what you are finding is understandable and probably can't be fixed without a component change, or the addition of a component between preamp and power amp that would provide additional gain. Unless you are presently connecting preamp to power amp unbalanced, in which case a balanced connection may provide more overall gain. But looking at your system description I suspect that you are already connected balanced.

-- Al

I really hate to do this but what about using a step up. Any experince doing this? I see an Ear step up for sale here and I'm considering it. I just hate to introduce a whole nuther device with it's connecting cables ETC. What are your thoughts? Thanks for your response.
Do you want it to be louder? If not you actually get the best sound with the volume control at or near maximum. If you don't want it to go louder you are in an ideal situation.

Your phono pre has quite a bit of gain so I suspect a step up will overload it. You need to fix it elsewhere.

I trust Almarg's math so if you do want it louder you need some more oomph from the amp. Since you are getting enough gain to get close to 2V into your amp if you want to go louder you have to get an amp that can get more power out with that input. Your low efficiency speakers simply need some more power.