Any experience with Harmonix feet

Hi Guys!
Read good things about Harmonix tweaks in general.
Interesting in feets for my Merlin VSM-Mx. Been thinking of RF-900 mk2 or RF-900.
I have wooden floor on top of concrete ground with plastic foam in between against humidity and also makes floor not so hard to walk on.
Any experience, thoughts and ideas greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks!
Sorry, no experience with the Harmonix stuff, but before spending that kind of money on speaker spike shoes I would try a set of brass disks under the Z-feet first.

I used to use the Harmonix RF 999MT Mk2 feet on my Aerial Model 9 speakers.

They tightened up the bass, improved the focus and imaging of the sound stage, and made the music a little more organic sounding.

My floor was granite and i thought it was firm and hard enough for the speaker not to be bothered by vibrations. Boy was i wrong!!

I have loaned these footers to 3 other friends with heavy speakers (over a 200lbs a side), all three of them bought their own sets.

With my current speakers (Genesis 5.3) and its built in suspension system, the footers did not work out as well, both the speaker and the footers did not want to play well....which resulted in a messed up sound.

See if you can find a Harmonix dealer to send you a set of loaners....

Since your floor is not so stiff (slightly springy), you may want to go to Home Depot and get a piece of Granite (inch thick) cut to the foot print of your speakers and try that as well....this MAY help to stabilise the floor from springing....