Looking for better Power Conditioner than my Tice

for many years I have used the Tice Power Block 3a Signature. Unfortunally I couldn´t compare with new products from Shunyata, PS Audio or others.
I want to know if anybody could compare it and if really recomend me to move to other product.
I´m really interest on the PS Audio Power Plant premier
You could just replace the stock ac outlets in the power conditioners you already have with the same ac outlets that are in the Tripoint audio power conditioner....the Maestro ac outlets. I replaced one of my stock ac outlets in my cheap monster power conditioner and I was amazed at the difference it made on both audio and video !..
+1 to Hifisoundguy's comment.

Replacing the outlet with a Maestro is a really nice, cheap upgrade. Upgrading the stock power cord is also worthwhile in most cases.